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Create a user

Before following this guide buy atleast 5 Juno (minimum price to mint a DENS name) from Junoswap or Osmosis

Create a DENS name

Create a DENS name to login to HOWL.

  1. Go to the Dens website
  2. Connect your wallet and click register
  3. Type the name you want to mint and click on MINT YOUR NEW ID


  1. After typing in the profile data click on Create username and approve the transaction request


Set primary DENS name

If you own more than 1 DENS name and want to change the primary name follow these steps

  1. Go to the home page of DENS website and click on Manage
  2. Select the name you want to change your Primary name to


  1. Click on SET AS PRIMARY at the bottom of the page and approve the transaction


Update Metadata and Burn DENS name

  1. Go to the home page of DENS website and click on Manage
  2. Select the Name you want to Burn or change the Metadata for

Updata Metadata

  1. click on UPDATE METADATA at the bottom of the page


  1. Fill in the changes you want. Click on UPDATE PROFILE at the bottom of the page and approve the transaction

Burn Dens name

  1. click on BURN at the bottom of the page


  1. click on I understand, burn it and approve the transaction to permanently burn your DENS name
